Modern C++ Concurrency: Get the most out of any machine

Based on my book "Concurrency with Modern C++" created an interactive course. You can have it now at a discount of 38 %.

"Modern C++ Concurrency" is a interactive journey through current and upcoming concurrency in C++.

  • C++11 and C++14 have the basic building blocks for creating concurrent or parallel programs.
  • With C++17 we got the parallel algorithms of the Standard Template Library (STL). That means, most of the algorithms of the STL can be executed sequential, parallel, or vectorized.
  • The concurrency story in C++ goes on. With C++20 we can hope for extended futures, coroutines, transactions, and more.
Gelesen: 10678

I'm Proud to Present: Modern C++ Concurrency is available as interactive course

Based on my book "Concurrency with Modern C++" created an interactive course. You can have it now at a discount of 38 %.

"Modern C++ Concurrency" is a interactive journey through current and upcoming concurrency in C++.

  • C++11 and C++14 have the basic building blocks for creating concurrent or parallel programs.
  • With C++17 we got the parallel algorithms of the Standard Template Library (STL). That means, most of the algorithms of the STL can be executed sequential, parallel, or vectorized.
  • The concurrency story in C++ goes on. With C++20 we can hope for extended futures, coroutines, transactions, and more.
Gelesen: 10490

The Update of my Book "Concurreny with Modern C++"

The update of my book "Concurrency with Modern C++" is available. This version is a total rework of the previous one and includes also new sections such as for executors. In total, the book is 60 pages bigger.

Gelesen: 12178

No New New: Das Ende von Zeigern in C++

Vor zwei Wochen fand das ISO-C++-Standardisierungsmeeting in Jacksonville statt. Daher will ich heute einen kleinen Ausflug machen und über eine revolutionäre Entscheidung schreiben, die dort getroffen wurde. Zusätzlich beziehe ich mich auf den englischsprachigen Artikel C++ Will No Longer Have Pointers (Fluent C++). Das Standardisierungskomitee entschied, dass Zeiger mit C++20 deprecated und mit C++23 mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit entfernt werden.

Hier geht es direkt zum Artikel auf Heise Developer:

Gelesen: 9592

The C++ Standard Library: The Second Edition includes C++17

Just updated: The C++ Standard Library: What every professional C++ programmer should know about the C++ standard library.

Gelesen: 13127

Meine offene C++ Seminare im ersten Halbjahr 2018

Willst du dein C++ Niveau auf das nächste Level heben? Hier sind meine offenen C++ Seminare im ersten Halbjahr 2018.

  • Embedded Programmierung mit modernem C++: 16.01 - 18.01
  • C++11 und C++14: 13.03 - 15.03
  • Multithreading mit modernem C++: 08.05 - 09.05

Gerne gebe ich die Schulung auch vor Ort oder in Englisch.

Weiter Details gibt es hier:



Modernes C++,

Gelesen: 9344

I Proudly present my Book is Ready "Concurrency with Modern C++"

Concurrency with Modern C++ is a journey through current and upcoming concurrency in C++.

  • C++11 and C++14 have the basic building blocks for creating concurrent or parallel programs.
  • With C++17 we got the parallel algorithms of the Standard Template Library (STL). That means, most of the algorithms of the STL can be executed sequential, parallel, or vectorized.
  • The concurrency story in C++ goes on. With C++20 we can hope for extended futures, coroutines, transactions, and more.
Gelesen: 13280


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